Hey!!! Marketing Freshers???

It has been a really tough time for me searching job in the NCR arena.
Based on  my experience I would like to share the current scenario of marketing jobs and some really good sectors in which one could get into.
I will also expose lots  good opportunities for you all. It may sound funny, me not getting a job and keeping you all updated of the jobs et al. But who knows, any source of information could define path for your career. I would request you all to comment and expose as many jobs as possible. Keep buzzing in my blog for the latest updates. Wishing You all a great future.

Digital Marketing- Digg-it-all Marketing

Pondering upon getting a back end/operations job in marketing????
Probably you need to digg-it-all in the online domain. I mean if you are intellectual enough in blogging, social networking and the methodology by which brands are promoted online you could make a great career as an online marketing manager. Yup! It sounds great. There are hell lots of companies in the digital marketing field who opts students as e-Marketing Trainee. Basic job profile would be in the field of search engine optimization, promoting brand online by placing banner ads(like one you see in right side link of facebook), RSS feeds, blogging, affiliate marketing, Google pay-per-click concept et al.

You can search all these terms and get a better understanding of all these. Believe me, you would get to know great stuffs once you enter this field and if this is your field of interest sky is the limit for you. If you find this field too luring and passionate for selling you can even join as a sales executive in this arena.

Where do I find such job?
Some digital marketing agencies in delhi/ncr are magnus solution, compare infobase, vinove, eyebridge offer you a great career in this.

Leave this yaar...just search "digital marketing agencies in delhi" or "top IT services company in delhi"and you will get a list of these. Google baba rocks yaar. Call the companies directly and don't forget to upload your resume at the career link.
I'll update you more on this. For any query you can leave me a comment.

How to negotiate your salary?
So Mr. XYZ , what is your salary expectation? Now, here's a perfect video by the help of which you can get into best deals. I found the video to be effective and precise. At last brevity is the soul of wit.