Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Social Advertisement: Trend setter in ad world

Social advertising has seen a new trend in Indian market. The companies are focusing on ads that showing an aspect of social advertising. A telecom service provider Idea is making a pitch to save paper, and Aircel is asking you to save the tiger. There was a time when CSR (corporate social responsibility) advertising was used as a brand differentiator, to break through the clutter. But now social advertising is itself making a clutter. So, while newcomer Aircel has chosen to harness public opinion to save the endangered animal, Idea, an older player, has added saving paper to its ‘An Idea Can Save Your Life’ campaign. While marketers are busy researching the impact on brand recall, one thing is certain: CSR is the flavour of the season in Indian advertising.

There are many taking the cause-marketing route. Tata Tea has added corruption in college admissions to its path-breaking ‘Jaago Re’ series; Lifebuoy is doing a series on health awareness, ‘Swasthya Chetna’; and Surf is continuing with its ‘Save Water’ campaign. Colgate has showcased its free dental check-up campaigns at times. Various companies are now taking this path as they  feel that it can serve as a differentiating strategy from the normal hilarious, motivating or the ads which are using an emotional appeal.

But the question is why there has been a jerky change in these social advertisements. Marketers find out the ways to attract the potential customers. Now think that if you are getting an instinct that the company is acting sensibly by carrying out some socially responsible tasks; by some extend you would be emotionally carried out with the image of the company. Moreover, a positive brand image is portrayed in the consumers mind. Somewhere in the back end of the mind the consumer makes an image that the company is socially responsible. For example say if anybody talks of Aircel, you may respond to it by saying-“Oh! The telecom company that saves tiger??”

Monday, January 17, 2011

Burnout at workplace

Are you are unhappy with your job? Do you always feel like you are wasting your time and need to go home and relax? Do you feel depressed all the time? Do you always look at the time to see whether its time to go home? If yes then you are a target of job burn out.
Most people reach a point where they are unfulfilled by their work. But they may not know why they're unhappy or what they can do about it. Job burnout is a continual, increasing dissatisfaction with your job that can lead to severe depression and physical illness. It can range from mild boredom to a lack of interest in one's work. Thus job burnout means feeling unhappy almost all the time without assigning any reason behind it which can even ruin your family life and personal life. Let’s say for example a salesperson has been assigned a sales target and for three consecutive months he is not able to achieve his sales target would definitely lead to stress and burnout. He would not love his job. Just suppose, if his boss is standing on his head and bawling out at him, the situation would be worse. Similarly, any higher level manager could beset from his job very soon if the work pressure is mounting or due to overtime
. Burnout brings with it many losses, which can often go unrecognized. Unrecognized losses trap a lot of your energy. It takes a tremendous amount of emotional control to keep yourself from feeling the pain of these losses. When you recognize these losses and allow yourself to grieve them, you release that trapped energy and open yourself to healing. The most effective way to combat job burnout is to quit doing what you’re doing and do something else, whether that means changing jobs or changing careers. But if that isn’t an option for you, there are still things you can do to improve your situation, or at least your state of mind.

It has been a common phenomenon. Either the person is a surgeon or he is a salesperson, stress and burnout has turned out be a common chronic disease at nearly each and every workplace. There are various other habits to keep our mind fresh and not letting it down or exhausted. One must follow these habits to lead a healthy life. Stress at workplace can cause disastrous results such as misunderstanding among the family members, friends and can even lead to depression.
1.Start the day with a relaxing ritual: Rather jumping out of bed as soon as you wake up, spend at least fifteen minutes meditating, writing in your journal, doing gentle stretches, or reading something that inspires you will lead to a concentrated and focused.
2. Adopt healthy eating, exercising, and sleeping habits: When you eat right, engage in regular physical activity, and get plenty of rest, you have the energy and resilience to deal with life’s hassles and demands. Adopting healthy habits always helps. When we stay healthy, the aura remains healthy and we stay healthy.
3. Create Meaning: Use your creativity and share your special gifts in your current job, and you may find your experience of your job transformed. Look at how your job can contribute to society in a positive way, and find greater meaning in your work. Focusing on the intangible rewards of work can transform most jobs into fun jobs, and can reduce job stress as well. Have fun!
4. Nourish your creative side. Creativity is a powerful antidote to burnout. Try something new, start a fun project, or resume a favorite hobby. Choose activities that have nothing to do with work. Say for example, play online games to burst tension or watch live streaming cricket.