Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Social Advertisement: Trend setter in ad world

Social advertising has seen a new trend in Indian market. The companies are focusing on ads that showing an aspect of social advertising. A telecom service provider Idea is making a pitch to save paper, and Aircel is asking you to save the tiger. There was a time when CSR (corporate social responsibility) advertising was used as a brand differentiator, to break through the clutter. But now social advertising is itself making a clutter. So, while newcomer Aircel has chosen to harness public opinion to save the endangered animal, Idea, an older player, has added saving paper to its ‘An Idea Can Save Your Life’ campaign. While marketers are busy researching the impact on brand recall, one thing is certain: CSR is the flavour of the season in Indian advertising.

There are many taking the cause-marketing route. Tata Tea has added corruption in college admissions to its path-breaking ‘Jaago Re’ series; Lifebuoy is doing a series on health awareness, ‘Swasthya Chetna’; and Surf is continuing with its ‘Save Water’ campaign. Colgate has showcased its free dental check-up campaigns at times. Various companies are now taking this path as they  feel that it can serve as a differentiating strategy from the normal hilarious, motivating or the ads which are using an emotional appeal.

But the question is why there has been a jerky change in these social advertisements. Marketers find out the ways to attract the potential customers. Now think that if you are getting an instinct that the company is acting sensibly by carrying out some socially responsible tasks; by some extend you would be emotionally carried out with the image of the company. Moreover, a positive brand image is portrayed in the consumers mind. Somewhere in the back end of the mind the consumer makes an image that the company is socially responsible. For example say if anybody talks of Aircel, you may respond to it by saying-“Oh! The telecom company that saves tiger??”

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